Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I love Halloween. I think I have more fun than the kids, but I guess that's okay. Unfortunately I was so busy loving Halloween that I hardly took any pictures. The boys loved trick or treating. Jacob was a little confused why we were knocking on all of these doors and not going inside the houses. He tried to get into most of them, and succeeded a few times. After trick or treating we had a party with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. We played hilarious minute to win it games and ate homemade donuts. yum.

Jacob is so stealthy. He opened our wood burning stove played in the ashes and then closed the stove again without me noticing. I was in the kitchen, like 20 feet away, and I didn't notice anything had happened until I saw the smudges all over him. Doesn't really say much for my parenting abilities does it. 
Doesn't this look so uncomfortable? He just laid in there for a long time, so I guess if you're 4 it feels fine.
I have a love hate relationship with pinterest. There are so many good ideas on there, which I love, but then I have to do them. I have been in a crafty mood this week so I made my very first wreath ever, and tried a new cake idea.