Monday, March 21, 2011


Today is a big day. Jacob is 247 days old today. He spent123 days in the hospital, so today he has been home longer than in the hospital. I'm pretty excited about it. We celebrated be giving him his first taste of fruit (bananas). Up until now he has only had vegetables and a little bit of meats. I thought how would love the sweetness, but he didn't seem to care. Kind of anticlimactic.

He pulled out his NG tube right before this picture. When he rips the tape of, it always takes some of his skin off with it, that's why his cheek is so red. Still, I think he looks pretty good tubeless.

Jeremiah in his natural habitat

We are so excited about spring. We can't wait to get outside. Jeremiah has been running around with his hat on, and insists that Jacob wear his too.

I made a cake yesterday. It was the first time I have ever had buttercream roses work. It was Steve's week to go to church (Jacob can't go so we take turns), so I made it while he was gone. It only looked like this for a few minutes after he got home.


  1. Haha, the untouched bowl of lettuce makes me laugh. : ) Does he usually eat anything green on his own? Again, the boys look awesome.

  2. Wow what cute little boys. That picture of Jacob (tubeless) is wonderful). Your buttercream roses look amazing. You are getting really good. I like the border too. Jeremiah asleep at the tray is funny. I never thought I would see that.

  3. Your roses are so uniform! I'm so impressed. Your boys are adorable-I love that first pick of Jacob-he looks so much like you. Happy 247!
