Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I love Halloween. I think I have more fun than the kids, but I guess that's okay. Unfortunately I was so busy loving Halloween that I hardly took any pictures. The boys loved trick or treating. Jacob was a little confused why we were knocking on all of these doors and not going inside the houses. He tried to get into most of them, and succeeded a few times. After trick or treating we had a party with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. We played hilarious minute to win it games and ate homemade donuts. yum.

Jacob is so stealthy. He opened our wood burning stove played in the ashes and then closed the stove again without me noticing. I was in the kitchen, like 20 feet away, and I didn't notice anything had happened until I saw the smudges all over him. Doesn't really say much for my parenting abilities does it. 
Doesn't this look so uncomfortable? He just laid in there for a long time, so I guess if you're 4 it feels fine.
I have a love hate relationship with pinterest. There are so many good ideas on there, which I love, but then I have to do them. I have been in a crafty mood this week so I made my very first wreath ever, and tried a new cake idea.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


My baby turned four. I'm not quite sure how that happened, but here we are. He's been really into toy story lately, so I did a toy story cake for him. He loved it, but was sad when people started eating it.

He loved his presents. Unfortunately, Jacob commandeered some of them so there was a little friction. We're still working on that whole sharing thing.
I'm hoping that eventually he will slow down long enough that I can get a good picture of him.

The only way I can get a clear picture is if he's not looking. Figures right.

We spent conference weekend in California celebrating my grandma's 87th birthday. It was great to see everyone, and luckily the car ride wasn't as horrible as I was expecting.
Jeremiah and Jacob played hard and then would totally crash. They spent a lot of time sleeping in strange places.

We got a lot out of conference this time around. Totally gonna have to go back and read it.

Monday, October 1, 2012


 I don't remember getting super excited for Halloween when I was little, but now that I have kids I really look forward to it. I love making the kids costumes every year and I just finished them for this year. Jeremiah is going to be a  knight and Jacob will be a dragon.

I'm in love with the dragon wings.
 I'm kind of excited about them. I think we're going to have a lot of fun trick or treating this year. Steve is going to be home this year, so I'm sure we'll have a blast.

Friday, August 3, 2012


I haven't really felt like writing anything for the last four months, and I definately don't have the motivation to catch up now, so I'm just gonna post some pictures and call it good.
Easter. Pretty sure these are the best glasses in the world.

I've been trying to potty train Jeremiah for the last forever. Love it! Totally gonna blackmail him with this picture when he gets older.

We have been doing tons of yard work this year. Jeremiah has been very helpful.

Jacob has turned into a complete daredevil. He climbs on everything, and is always covered in bruises. I didn't put him on the horse. He can get up and down by himself. He pretty much has to do the splits to accomplish it, but whatever works.

We had a big pioneer day/Jacob birthday celebration thing on the 24th. We may have went a little overboard with the bouncy house and pinata, but the kids had a lot of fun.

Jacob has been climbing out of his crib, so we put him in a toddler bed. It's been like two weeks and I think he has maybe slept in the bed once. He can't open his bedroom door, thank goodness, so he just lays on the floor in front of the door and kicks it hoping that I will come and get him. I don't get him (except for this one time in the picture), but he just doesn't give up. He always ends up spending the night on the floor. I'm really hoping that eventually he will decide that the bed is more comfortable.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

warm fuzzies

So this morning Jacob really wanted some yogurt, but he didn't want to sit down to eat it. I was feeling a little sarcastic, so I said "you're right, Mommy is so mean." Then Jeremiah gets this serious look on his face and says "you're nice sometimes." It was hilarious. One of my proudest mommy moments.

We had a great Easter. The easter bunny may have gone a little overboard this year. There was tons of candy for the kids to find, and they really got into it. And when it was all over Jacob had fun taking everything back out of the basket and redistributing it around the house.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

nailed it

So Sunday night Jeremiah comes up to me all excited and says "mommy I ate a nail!" We went to the hospital for an x-ray and sure enough there is a nail in his stomach. I may have freaked out a little bit thinking that it was going to perforate his intestines and we were going to end up at primary childrens with more surgery. Luckily that didn't happen. They sent us home and told me to just watch him and wait for him to poop it out. The nail finally vacated the premises this morning. It has been a stressful couple of days. Who knew a nail could travel through your whole digestive tract without causeing any problems? Still, I wouldn't recommend it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas and other stuff

Christmas was kinda weird this year. Steve was in North Dakota working, so the boys and I went down to my parents house. The boys got spoiled rotten, apparently it's a Grandma's right. Jeremiah actually understood what was going on this year, so he had a lot of fun. Jacob was more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual gifts, but whatever. We had fun, but it just wasn't the same without Steve. He got back the day after Christmas, so we had a do-over.  
Jacob liked to put the wrapping paper in and out of the bucket. Who needs toys?

This was the boys Santa gift. Jeremiah has really gotten into cars lately, so he loved it. I didn't think Jacob would be able to to do it, but turns out he can do it too.

When Steve is gone he calls a couple of times a day. Jeremiah has gotten really weird about talking on the phone and most of the time just starts screaming if I try to get him to talk to Steve. Jacob loves to "talk" to Steve, but only if he is holding the phone. Jacob and Steve have very meaningful conversations. Jacob doesn't really talk so much as grunt. He would have made a great caveman.

I haven't made a cake in a while, so I decided to make a fake one for fun. I'm not really sure whether I like it or not. Too simple? I don't know. I had fun making it anyway.