Thursday, January 12, 2012

nailed it

So Sunday night Jeremiah comes up to me all excited and says "mommy I ate a nail!" We went to the hospital for an x-ray and sure enough there is a nail in his stomach. I may have freaked out a little bit thinking that it was going to perforate his intestines and we were going to end up at primary childrens with more surgery. Luckily that didn't happen. They sent us home and told me to just watch him and wait for him to poop it out. The nail finally vacated the premises this morning. It has been a stressful couple of days. Who knew a nail could travel through your whole digestive tract without causeing any problems? Still, I wouldn't recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I heard about it on Steve's facebook and was so worried! So glad it made its way out okay:)
