Saturday, April 14, 2012

warm fuzzies

So this morning Jacob really wanted some yogurt, but he didn't want to sit down to eat it. I was feeling a little sarcastic, so I said "you're right, Mommy is so mean." Then Jeremiah gets this serious look on his face and says "you're nice sometimes." It was hilarious. One of my proudest mommy moments.

We had a great Easter. The easter bunny may have gone a little overboard this year. There was tons of candy for the kids to find, and they really got into it. And when it was all over Jacob had fun taking everything back out of the basket and redistributing it around the house.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michelle! Jennifer and I were talking about old times and I was wondering if she kept in touch with you! She gave me your blog address and it looks like you have a wonderful family! I would love to keep in touch and hear what you are up to these days. My blog is I'm not super good about posting like you are. Although that is something I'm working on :) Hope your family is doing well!
