Tuesday, October 26, 2010


There have been quite a few firsts this week. Jeremiah and I spent a little time in Preston this week. It was the first time he has seen the house since it is finished, and the first time sleeping in his new room. He didn't really care about the house, but he was excited to see all of his toys again. Jeremiah got his vaccines yesterday, and he is old enough now that I am going to take him to see Jacob for the first time tomorrow.

Jacob had his first real bath a few days ago. PICC and central lines can't get wet, and he has always had one either in his arm or his chest, but now it is in his hand so we put a glove over his hand and the nurse held his arm up in the air the whole time. They don't have real bath tubs at the hospital, just those little pink basins, so he didn't fit very well, but still. Parts of him were submersed in water so I'm counting it. He wasn't real thrilled with the experience, but hopefully he will enjoy it eventually. He is 101 days old today, not really a first, but still kind of a big deal. He has gotten really big. He is 11 lbs now, and is 23 1/2 inches long. He has had kind of a rough couple of days. He has been really grumpy (inconsolable, non-stop screaming, etc.) the last few days. The theory is that his stomach hurts because of the increase in feedings. The plan is to move up on the feedings even more slowly than we were doing, and hopefully his intestines will do better with the extra time to adjust.


  1. geez it sounds like they don't really know what's going on, like no PLAN really....that would be sooooo frustrating.....i'm sorry :( at least you got to get out of sandy for a bit and regain SOME sanity! woohoo!
