Monday, November 1, 2010


Things have been going pretty good with Jacob lately. He was taken off TPN a few days ago and has been eating more and more. He is still getting continuous feeds, and he gets a bottle every 3 hours. He is almost up to full feeds, so I was thinking they would probably start talking about discharging us in a few weeks, but yesterday during rounds the Dr said he didn't see any reason why we needed to still be here, and I could transition him from continuous feedings to bottles at home. I was completely surprised, but I guess I can probably do everything they are doing at home. There are still a million things that need to get worked out before we go home (equipment, gastroenterology consult, feeding plan, etc), but it could happen soon.
I'm really excited to go home, but kind of scared too. Jeremiah and Jacob both take a lot of energy, how do you take care of two kids at once? I also have no idea how I'm going to keep Jeremiah from pulling out Jacob's feeding tube. Any ideas?

Jeremiah had a lot of fun trick or treating this year. He was kind of confused at first, but by the end of the night he was saying trick or treat, taking handfuls of candy, and asking for the next house.

I was so happy I was able to get pictures of both of my boys together. I thought they were pretty cute. This was the first time we had the whole family in the same room. 


  1. two words: duct. tape.
    i literally got tears in my eyes, THAT IS SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!! so excited for yall.

  2. Wahoo! That's great!
    We haven't had problems with the other kids pulling Brinnlie's tube, she takes care of that herself...good luck. I'm so excited for you---you have such cute boys!


  3. That is such amazing news! I am so happy for you guys!! And glad that Jeremiah finally got to meet his brother!
